
   There is a small collection of books and DVDs in our parish. The library is free of charge and available about 30 minutes before and after the services. Please apply for information to the women at the candle table or to Fr. Alexander. To find the books you need, you can use the Internet catalogue (see below). It will also help you to familiarize yourself with the general structure of the library.

CATALOGUE of the books >>>


  • Write down date of borrowing, name, and phone number (or e-mail address) into the book form (the forms are stored in special blue folder). Put a piece of paper in the book with the return date (current day + 1 month). Number of the section (theology, catechesis, etc.) is labeled at the book backside. The catalogue and blue folder are organized according to these numbers.
  • A subscriber should not hold more than 5 books or journals at the same time.
  • Maximal borrowing period – 1 month (can be prolonged if nobody else is waiting for the item).
  • When returned, write down the date.
  • Lost or destroyed items must be paid for by the borrower (or replaced with equivalent books/DVDs, if decided by the priest or churchwarden). The acquisition cost is noted in the book form.
Donations of Orthodox books or DVDs for the library will be very much appreciated.